This week marks the 77th edition of the esteemed Cannes Film Festival, a global celebration of art and cinematic excellence. Enriched by a vibrant array of creative talents, the festival promises a dazzling array of premieres, exclusive screenings, and immersive events running until the 25th.

Film has the power to anchor, exhilarate, and astonish us, whether experienced in the comfort of home or in far-flung locales. It’s precisely this allure that drives some hotel designers to incorporate dedicated film-screening facilities for guest enjoyment during their stay.

From cosy projection rooms to grand theatres, here are five film-centric spaces sourced from the Sleepifier archives that truly deserve the screen time..

01 | Puro Lodz Centrum, Poland.

02 | Max Brown 7th District, Austria.

03 | Saga Spirit of Discovery, UK.

04 | Hotel Paradiso, France.

05 | Ruby Mimi Hotel & Bar, Switzerland.