Colour psychology starts at our most primitive instincts. Even if new meanings can be adhered through the power of social construct, its core associations go back to our first beginnings as a species.
What about green then? What primitive instincts would you identify with it?
Chances are nature and fertility come up first. Because of that relation to nature, green can provide the serenity that actual greenery conveys.
It’s been proven over and over that green fights stress better than anything. That’s not just because plants are nice to be around. Green vegetation equals fruitful soil and abundance of water. For hunter-gatherers that meant food and shelter. Later on, it signified good soil for agricultural sedentism. Therefore, it gives a sense of security and good health. This ancestral instinct calms people down.
Today we selected five beautiful projects that used this colour in exemplary ways. Interiors that extend it’s organic greenery into the chosen colours of the room, landscapes that camouflage with the windows’ curtains and deep mossy humid green tones.
Search for GREEN and explore the results in TOPHOTELDESIGN!